Every organization relies on having complete access to data from a multitude of devices. This access increases data exposure and requires businesses to take responsibility for protecting the data that they store. Abeltech Systems partners with our clients to determine the data that is critical to their business and what measures can be done to protect that data. Our security experts work to customize a plan that will align with the reputation and standards of your organization while providing the necessities to meet your industry compliance requirements. Abeltech Systems can assist your business or organization with SAS 70, HIPAA and ADA & WCAG Compliance regulations.
How do we protect you from litigation?
WCAG & ADA Compliance
Ongoing compliance with web accessibility legislation
Certification & Statement
Accessibility statement and certification of performance
Daily Compliance Monitoring
24-hour automatic maintenance scans of new and updated content
WCAG & ADA Compliance
Ongoing compliance with web accessibility legislation
Certification & Statement
Accessibility statement and certification of performance
Daily Compliance Monitoring
24-hour automatic maintenance scans of new and updated content
What is “WCAG”?
WCAG stands for the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. They are the most important guidelines for web accessibility policy and set the standard for web accessibility legislation in most countries around the world. To really understand why the WCAG matters so much, you need to know who is behind them. The WCAG was created by the World Wide Web Consortium, known as the W3C. The W3C was founded in October 1994 in the halls of MIT’s Laboratory for Computer Science (MIT/LCS) when global web activity started soaring. Founding members included top scientists, and by late 2019, the organization has over 440 members including leaders from business, nonprofit organizations, universities, government entities, and relevant industries
What is “ADA”?
ADA stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act. It was signed into law by President George Bush in 1990, and it’s America’s most important law regarding accessibility and civil rights for people with disabilities, including web accessibility. Essentially, ADA prohibits discrimination against anyone based on ability or disability. It came about after a 2-year campaign to advance civil rights to marginalized groups, including Americans with disabilities. Disability activists and advocates lobbied intensely for laws that would prohibit discrimination, and from 1988 they began to garner cross-partisan support for federal legislation. ADA draws on the precedent that was set by Section 504 of the much older Rehabilitation Act, which guarantees certain rights to people with disabilities. However, the Rehabilitation Act was very limited and only applied to the government sector