Web Development
In our quest to keep all of our client’s IT under one umbrella we provide website design & development services for our SMB client’s. Weather it’s a brand new website created from scratch, website redevelopment or maintaining/updating your current website our web development specialist our here for you. Most of our web development is done using a CMS. CMS stands for content management system. CMS is computer software or an application that uses a database to manage all content, and it can be used when
developing a website. A CMS can therefore be used to update content and/or your website structure. Most CMS solutions are open-source, which means they are free and accessible to everyone. However, some may contain additional paid options, such as templates and plug-ins. Our two preferred CMS platforms are Joomla & Wordpress. Since these two are the most widely used, most of our websites are built on these. Joomla & Wordpress allows us to be more efficient by speeding up the development/design process and keeping fees well within our client’s budget.
developing a website. A CMS can therefore be used to update content and/or your website structure. Most CMS solutions are open-source, which means they are free and accessible to everyone. However, some may contain additional paid options, such as templates and plug-ins. Our two preferred CMS platforms are Joomla & Wordpress. Since these two are the most widely used, most of our websites are built on these. Joomla & Wordpress allows us to be more efficient by speeding up the development/design process and keeping fees well within our client’s budget.
Here are a few of our CMS web development projects: